The Professional Trustee Team Blog

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Secrets of Wise Investing (Part 2)

by The Professional Trustee Team 24 Aug 11

In my last blog post (Part 1 of Secrets of Wise Investing) I threw out some nuggets of information that I thought people should consider when investing their gold. In this post I'm going to tell you a little about the different types of investment..

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Secrets of Wise Investing (Part 1)

by The Professional Trustee Team 22 Aug 11

They say if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day but if you teach a man how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Growing your wealth is no different. With that in mind, I've noted some pertinent things you should..

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Should I Rent or Buy?

by The Professional Trustee Team 19 Jul 11

One of our clients recently asked me if they should be renting or striving to buy a home. They weren't too sure if buying a house was such a smart way of increasing their wealth given the recent state of the property market and the way..

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Money Matters

by The Professional Trustee Team 31 May 11

Wallis Simpson, Mistress of the King of England, was frequently quoted as saying "must have, can get". Of course her way of getting was to ensure others, such as her husband and the King, got for her. For most of us however, 'must have, can get'..

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Trustee Minutes & Trustee Resolutions, What's The Deal?

by The Professional Trustee Team 31 May 11

As a professional trustee, I'm often asked two questions. First, what's the difference between trustee minutes and trustee resolutions and secondly, why are they so important?To answer the first question first, trustee minutes are really notes made of a meeting of trustees and the decisions..

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How To Avoid Fighting Over Money

by The Professional Trustee Team 11 May 11

Recently I had a conversation with one of my friends who told me she was constantly fighting with her nearest and dearest over money. They just didn't seem to be able to agree on what they should do financially. She felt they should clean up some..

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Media say Yes to Family Trusts

by The Professional Trustee Team 06 Feb 11

I'm feeling pretty pleased that the Media is picking up the idea that having a family trust isn't just a nice "extra' in life but is going to become an "essential". Have a look at this link and you will see the interview I recently..

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Does Your Money Personality Cost You?

by The Professional Trustee Team 27 Jan 11

One of the most popular subjects we talk and write about has to be money.  How to make it is definitely a topic that would come up at most social gatherings. I guess this is appropriate seeing money is the currency we all use to live..

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by The Professional Trustee Team 27 Oct 10

One night last week, in a city away from my home, I found myself at a bit of a loose end. Not a personality to skulk around, I used the time to see a movie I wanted to enjoy. 'Money Never Sleeps' was my choice. Not..

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Overall I would rate Property School with a A+. I particularly enjoyed Matthew’s presentation on subdivision. It felt like you really care about your clients. - Ross - October 2015
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