Quade Fraser Blog

Quade Fraser

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New Zealand has become an attractive destination for foreign investment, particularly in real estate. However, when investing in property in New Zealand, foreign investors must understand the tax framework they are dealing with which, among other considerations, includes the thin capitalisation rules, commonly referred to..

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Are LTCs Dead for Property Investors?

by Quade Fraser 15 Jul 24

As property tax and structuring specialists, one of the most common questions we encounter at GRA is whether to set up a look-through company (LTC) to hold investment property. The answer, more often than not, has shifted over the years to no. LTCs, once considered a..

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If you are migrating to New Zealand, one item you should add to the top of your ‘to do’ list is understanding the potential tax implications your migration may cause, not only in New Zealand but also in the country you are emigrating from. Your tax..

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Hello Matthew, I am just wishing you the best of success with your excellent book Property 101. It is very rare that I come across a book on real estate that is in the league of other financial securties writer's. Thank you for taking the time and more importantly writing about real estate in a easy to read manner. I am still learning after 30 years in real estate. I am also a true contrarian like yourself and have learned this art from my favourite contrarian, Jim Rodgers (Former Quantum Fund). I have been preaching this to our Investor net work and corporate clients for some time, but most find it very hard to-do. Thanks again! Kind Regards, - Chris Kerr - The New Kids On The Block Pty Limited - October 2015

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