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In my interactions with clients, I often come across small business owners who are facing numerous challenges. They are focused on marketing their business, attracting customers, and honing their expertise. Invoicing and tax tend to take a back seat, as the business owner’s immediate priority is..

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Small Business Checklist

by John Heaslip 15 Dec 22

Keeping on top of the tax obligations for your business is obviously important. You want to make sure you pay the correct amount of tax, and pay it on time to avoid penalties with the IRD.  This is not difficult, especially with the help of..

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Income Tax - The Puzzle Unravelled

by John Heaslip 22 Mar 22

One of the confusing things I speak to clients about is the types of tax they have to pay that are related to their income: •Income tax•Residual tax •Provisional tax •Terminal tax It can be hard to get your head around what each type of tax is and when..

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Drawings versus Salary

by John Heaslip 27 Oct 21

We find that a lot of our clients get very confused about what drawings are. And with good reason – it’s a complicated area.  Most tend to think that drawings taken by a shareholder from a company are the same thing as their wage or..

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Apart from a few special rules, any cost necessary to run your business will probably be tax deductible. However, there are a few things to be aware of - some items that you might assume could be claimed can't be, and conversely, there may be others..

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Annual and sick leave

by John Heaslip 10 Dec 20

From time to time clients contact us to ask what their employees are entitled to with regard to annual leave and sick leave.  This is obviously an important thing to get right, for both employers and their staff. The Labour Party made a promise before the..

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Tax in a Post Covid-19 New Zealand

by John Heaslip 06 Jul 20

Hopefully the “post-Covid” reference in the title is not tempting fate, but at the time of writing New Zealand appears to be in an enviable position in terms of control of the public health side of the Covid pandemic. However, battling through the economic fallout..

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Cash Payments - IRD crackdown

by John Heaslip 05 Dec 19

Since 2009, the Inland Revenue Department has been cracking down on industries known to pay workers under the table (i.e. undeclared cash payments). According to an article in the NZ Herald in April 2018, New Zealand is missing out on about $800 million in its annual tax take..

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Depreciation is the reduction in value of an asset over time due to wear and tear. In New Zealand, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) allows depreciation on certain items to be claimed as a type of expense for income tax, so it is beneficial to..

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Property School gave me increased awareness of opportunities and pitfalls, insight into ways to move forward, confidence in the advice given - and the need to ask advice! I really enjoyed the down to earth approach and open-ness of methodology and many possible approaches brought together in the program. - Sue, November 2018
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