Given the above facts, it's no wonder the typical Kiwi has concern over where they place their hard earned dollars and planning for their retirement. The Government has been anxious, too, about the past wild-west landscape which permitted (and some may even say encouraged) the fleecing of New Zealanders. The corresponding long-term consequences are horrific – Kiwis losing their homes and businesses and entering into retirement with very little saved.
To right the wrongs and provide for the future, various pieces of legislation have been introduced along with the KiwiSaver scheme. Personally I like the idea of having funds available for my old age so I'm happy about KiwiSaver being introduced as a retirement tool. Other Kiwis must echo my thinking, as since its inception in 2007 this method of voluntary long-term savings for retirement has gained in popularity and now an estimated 2.64m people are enrolled in the superannuation scheme. But are your funds truly safe in KiwiSaver?
Does this mean all superannuation funds are safe? No. Depending upon the rules that govern the superannuation scheme and applicability of provisions of the Insolvency Act 2006, some superannuation funds may not be afforded the same protection as that which KiwiSaver now enjoys. Overall, whether a bankrupt's funds are safe or not, will depend upon what type of superannuation they have. Somehow that doesn't seem consistent and even fair to my mind.
Salesh - Was really good to see you yesterday and to see you getting up in front of the crowd talking about your huge successes – and….. I didn’t realise you were so young! You are and always have been such an inspiration to us and think it is great that you got up in front of a group of eager property investors to share about your property journey and to inspire us! You should do it more often. You are so knowledgeable about property investing and so experienced – you should share your success story! - Lisa Swanepoel - December 2017
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