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Changes to boarding service rules

by John Heaslip 28 Jun 19

Over the years I have had wide-ranging conversations with clients about boarding services and how to qualify. The reason people wish to  qualify as providing a boarding service is if the amount of income you receive falls below either the “weekly standard-cost” threshold or the..

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There are a number of issues that New Zealand tax residents must grapple with if they are to invest in Australian rental properties. It’s important to understand what these issues are because they can have a significant impact upon your profitability. Financial Arrangements - foreign..

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If you own (or plan to own) residential rental property in Australia, there are changes to the tax deduction rules that will affect you, particularly if your cash flow is tight. These changes were announced in the May 2017 Australian Federal budget and were passed..

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Proposed FBT changes for SMEs

by John Heaslip 07 Feb 17

A tax amendment for close companies that provide motor vehicles to shareholder-employees has been proposed for the 2018 financial year onwards.OverviewCompanies with five or less shareholders (close companies) that provide their shareholder-employees with a motor vehicle for private use are required to register and pay..

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Tax Changes for SMEs

by John Heaslip 05 Oct 16

In April 2016 the Government announced a new SME-friendly tax package, which will make paying tax easier and more certain, reduce the burden of interest and penalties, and help smaller businesses tailor payments to their own circumstances. PROVISIONAL TAX To give you some background, provisional..

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Small Business Checklist

by John Heaslip 02 May 16

In my day to day interaction with clients I meet a lot of small business owners whose businesses are in their embryonic stage. They are busy practising their particular expertise and, as such, most budding entrepreneurs do not willingly spend time thinking about the administration..

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by John Heaslip 25 Feb 15

For most clients, 1 April signals the start of the New Year for business and tax purposes, and the month of March brings opportunities to minimise tax and maximise cash surpluses for the coming year.   A well known quote is “if you fail to..

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All property investors will want the same thing: a vessel to create greater wealth for their futures and to provide passive income. Obviously rental yield, capital growth, tenant quality and demand will be your main concerns but here are just two tips to help you..

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This is the time of year all businesses should be preparing budgets and cash flow forecasts.  The preparation of these is essential - the reason being that unless you know your anticipated income and associated expenditure, along with the peaks and troughs of your flow..

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The seminar last night was brilliant. We ourselves are seasoned investors. We are already doing it. We are also clients of GRA. Have been so for over 10 years. Last nights seminar was affirming and I have encouraged younger members (adults in their 20s) of our family to attend. I am feeling so excited about my portfolio and the Auckland property market. I will go on to GRA books and order the two books Matthew promoted. - Kristine, April 2018
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