Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Can property prices keep rising indefinitely?

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Jan 17

I was recently asked whether there was an upper limit to the ratio between property price and household income, which in Auckland currently sits at about 10 to 1. In other words, the average property price is worth 10 times the average annual income.  Also..

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Trump aftermath - what will it be?

by Matthew Gilligan 14 Nov 16

What does a man with $1 billion of property do when he becomes president and finds himself in control of the money supply, influencing credit conditions and the quantum of the government's fiscal spend as stimulus? The sceptic in me offers the following prediction. We..

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It is with some interest that I watch the property and finance markets as the recent Reserve Bank rule (winding investor lending back to 60% loan-to-value ratio) starts to take effect and bite property investors.  You have to ask whether the Reserve Bank has manufactured..

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Economic and Property Update Video Release

by Matthew Gilligan 12 May 16

With nearly 900 people in attendance, the Economic & Property Update in March was a fantastic event. Tony Alexander gave his predictions for the economy and property market in 2016, and I talked about strategies for investing in the current conditions. Tony and I both..

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Auckland smashed by LVR rules

by Matthew Gilligan 13 Dec 15

It's interesting to receive feedback from the real estate agents and property industry people that we spend time with in the Auckland market. There is a lot of talk about Auckland heading towards a huge correction in property values. One of the things I wrote..

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Giving back at Christmas

by Matthew Gilligan 28 Nov 15

Christmas can be a very busy and challenging time of year. Easy as it is to get swept up in the stress, we are taking the time to think about everything we are grateful for, including living in a beautiful, peaceful country, and having wonderful..

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Auckland Unitary Plan Update

by Matthew Gilligan 26 Oct 15

As we move closer to the implementation of the Auckland Unitary Plan, it appears Auckland Council may have to make adjustments to the proposed rules as a result of analysis and community feedback.   One of the main issues Council will have to address is..

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Auckland versus smaller centres

by Matthew Gilligan 08 Sep 15

The new LVR rules, combined with Auckland's lack of affordability, are pushing money out of Auckland and into the regions. This ripple effect is highly predictable, given that Auckland is cycling ahead of the rest of the country (followed closely by Canterbury), as evidenced by..

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New Bright Line and LVR Rules 2015

by Matthew Gilligan 22 Jul 15

In the last couple of months there have been announcements of two impending rule changes that have had an impact on property investors. The first was the Government's announcement of the new two-year “bright-line” test for taxing gains on the sale of investment property.  The..

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I would like to express my gratitude for taking the time to meet with me today. It's always a pleasure to connect with a knowledgeable and talented consultant like yourself. Our conversation was truly enjoyable, and the overview you provided was exactly what I've been looking for.

- CH, August 2023

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If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

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