Anna Loginova Blog

Anna Loginova

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Claiming Motor Vehicle Expenses

by Anna Loginova 07 Oct 20

Motor vehicle expenses are a common type of expense incurred across a wide range of businesses. It makes sense to claim vehicle expenses when preparing your tax return, but you need to ensure this is done accurately. In the modern world, the same vehicle is often..

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Accountant vs Bookkeeper - big difference

by Anna Loginova 29 Apr 19

There is a significant misinterpretation and misunderstanding between the role of a bookkeeper and that of an accountant. If you don’t know the difference it can negatively impact upon you (possibly seriously). But if you understand each role and utilise them appropriately, it can be..

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Preparing for the end of financial year

by Anna Loginova 23 Jan 19

The end of the financial year is approaching very fast and there are a number of things that business owners should attend to before then.  No, I am not referring to going to end of season sales or getting the last bits of your body..

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Unpaid tax on rental income

by Anna Loginova 11 Dec 18

It is a requirement in New Zealand for parties to provide their IRD numbers when buying or selling real estate (whether as an individual or through another entity such as a company or trust). Normally this does not pose any sort of problem. However, there..

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Our experience with GRA so far has been great. Being a young couple, trying to get into investment property, there has been so much to learn and so much we simply didn't understand. You have been so patient with us, and have answered all our questions without judging. In fact you even gone so for as to offer us advice on more than just the accounting side of things. Overall, dealing with any of the staff from GRA is always a pleasant experience. Thanks. - L Schwalger

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