GRA Blogs

Articles by The Professional Trustee Team

The Professional Trustee Team

Proposed new LVR rules for investors


From 1 September 2016 we are likely to see higher LVR rules being applied to investors who are borrowing to purchase residential investment property as per the Reserve Bank announcement today. 

 Under the proposed new LVR restrictions, investors across New Zealand will be required to have loan-tovalue-ratios of 60% (i.e. they will need deposits of 40%). Only 5% of residential investment loans will be allowed to have LVRs greater than 60%. Debt-to-income (DTI) ratios could also be applied from 2017.

Reviewing data overseas it seems LVR restrictions do slow down credit consumption and house price growth at the time of being introduced. However, long-term they do not appear to decrease prices.  

Higher LVRs could now pave the way for a decrease in the OCR, which may possibly lead to a decrease in short term interest rates, assuming the banks pass same on to borrowers. Our dollar may also continue to fall as it did this morning after the announcement. One hopes inflation will consequently lift.

Understandably this new policy level will affect existing investors and people currently in the process of purchasing property.  If assistance is needed, please contact us at GRA.

The Professional Trustee Team
The Professional Trustee Team
© Gilligan Rowe & Associates LP

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Disclaimer: This article is intended to provide only a summary of the issues associated with the topics covered. It does not purport to be comprehensive nor to provide specific advice. No person should act in reliance on any statement contained within this article without first obtaining specific professional advice. If you require any further information or advice on any matter covered within this article, please contact the author.

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I would like to express my sincere thanks to yourself and the team at GRA / Cornwall Trustees for the services you recently provided to my Trust. You were both professional and expedient in organising for Skeates Law and yourselves to execute the conveyancing of my property into the Trust to allow the title to reflect the correct Trustee names at LINZ and on the local council rating system in time for my advertising the sale of this property. I am sure that you have a team supporting you that allows you to make quick decisions and for these decisions to be executed with accuracy and pace that provided such an excellent service to my Trust. This also reminds me of an old L.V Martin television advert where their motto was "it’s the putting right that counts" and you certainly did do this in my case. In return you have a very satisfied client who wishes to convey their appreciation of their experience. Kind regards - Pravin
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